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Govt forms committee to analyse Covid-19 JN.1 variant

Covid-19, JN.1 variant, Committee formed, Punjab

LAHORE: The Punjab health ministry has formed a committee to analyse the new Covid-19 variant “JN.1 Omicron”, ARY News reported on Tuesday.

According to the notification issued, the committee formed to analyse the new Covid-19 variant “JN.1 Omicron” will forward suggestions to the Punjab government.

The notification stated that the committee will overview the diagnoses of the new COVID variant on old test kits and the number of affected people by the deadly virus.

Yesterday, six passengers who arrived at Jinnah International Airport, Karachi coming from abroad tested positive for the new Covid-19 variant “JN.1 Omicron”.

According to Sindh Health Department, the rapid antigen tests of six passengers conducted at Jinnah International Airport came back positive.

Related: Karachi reports six more cases of Covid-19 JN.1 variant

The six passengers found positive for JN.1 variant, currently a cause of concern in several countries, are residents of Swat, Mirpur, Rahim Yar Khan, Charsadda and Jacobabad.

The health department said that the affected passengers were tested for possible symptoms of Covid-19.

The number of JN.1 variant cases in Karachi has now risen to 15 after the detection of fresh patients.

It is pertinent to mention here that the National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) decided to conduct COVID testing of passengers coming from abroad.The NCOC meeting discussed the situation in the country about the new variant of Covid JN-1.

The forum okayed COVID testing at the airports and borders.Meanwhile, caretaker federal Minister for Health Dr Nadeem Jan said that the government is continuously monitoring the situation as this subvirus of Omicron was found in some countries.

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