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Islamabad reports lone case of dengue fever in 24 hrs

ISLAMABAD: The number of mosquito-borne dengue fever cases on decline in Islamabad with drop of temperatures in the capital city.

According to the district health officer (DHO), lone case of dengue hemorrhagic fever reported in the federal territory in last 24 hours.

The mosquito-borne disease have claimed 21 lives in Islamabad in current season so far, top health official of Islamabad said.

Overall 4,616 dengue fever cases have been reported in the ongoing season till now, according to the health official.

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection that is common in warm, tropical climates and often peaks during rainy seasons, states the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Once bitten by a dengue-infected mosquito, the virus takes four-10 days to affect the body. Its symptoms can be mild, similar to the common flu, or severe such as fever, headaches, pain behind the eyes and nausea.

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