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MDCAT 2023 test results announced in KP

MDCAT 2023 results KP announced

PESHAWAR: The Khyber Medical University (KMU) announced the results of the re-conducted test on Sunday for admissions in medical colleges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), ARY News reported.

According to the details, six candidates topped the MDCAT 2023 with 192 marks, while the success rate in the test was 75 per cent.

KMU stated that 11 candidates secured more than 190 marks while 402 candidates secured marks from 180 to 189 and 2,982 candidates secured marks from 170 to 179.

Khyber Medical University added that out of 46,000 candidates, 34,000 appeared in the test while 11,300 candidates were absent in the test.

Read more: 40,000 students across KP participate in MDCAT 2023

It is pertinent to note that the previous MDCAT test was canceled due to Bluetooth scandal, after which the responsibility of conducting the test was transferred from ETA to Khyber Medical University.

Strict measures were taken during Sunday’s MDCAT retest by the caretaker government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The test had been taken across the country on September 10. At the time, authorities had claimed that they had knowledge about plans of cheating and had foiled them.

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