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Infertility in Pakistan

Infertility: Causes And Cure

Infertility is an increasingly prevalent issue in Pakistan, impacting a substantial number of couples. This condition, which hinders couples from achieving pregnancy despite a year of regular unprotected sexual activity, is a cause for concern.

A multitude of factors can contribute to infertility, making it imperative to comprehend the underlying causes in order to effectively address the problem.

As per a research study published in the Pakistan Journal of Public Health, it has been observed that approximately 21% of couples in Pakistan are grappling with issues related to infertility.

The study further elucidates that in 37% of the cases, male factors were the contributing cause of infertility, while female factors were responsible in 51% of the instances. Both male and female factors were found to be contributory in 12% of the cases. Another research conducted by Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal has indicated a steady increase in the rate of infertility among Pakistani couples over the past decade.

The study also revealed a higher prevalence of infertility in urban areas as compared to rural regions. This has been attributed to factors such as delayed marriages, an increased incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and lifestyle modifications.

In a lecture titled ‘Evaluation of an Infertile Couple’, Prof. Dr Jaweed Akhtar from the United States highlighted that the incidence of infertility in Pakistan is approximately 22 per cent, which is notably higher than the global average of 12-18 per cent. He further added that it is estimated that around 4 million couples in Pakistan are grappling with infertility. Interestingly, it is believed that males account for 40-70 per cent of infertility cases, indicating a significant male contribution to infertility issues.

Causes of Infertility in Pakistan

1. Delayed Marriage and Childbearing

One of the leading causes of infertility in Pakistan is the trend of delayed marriages and childbearing. With the increasing focus on education and career, many couples are choosing to start families at a later age. However, as a woman’s age advances, the quality and quantity of her eggs decreases, making it more challenging to conceive.

2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects a significant number of women in Pakistan. It causes irregular periods, excessive hair growth, and multiple cysts on the ovaries. PCOS can make it difficult for women to ovulate regularly, leading to infertility.

3. Tubal Blockage

Infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, or previous surgeries can cause blockages in the fallopian tubes. These blockages prevent the sperm from reaching the egg, resulting in infertility. In Pakistan, untreated sexually transmitted infections and lack of awareness about reproductive health contribute to tubal blockage cases.

4. Male Factor Infertility

While often overlooked, male factor infertility contributes to a significant number of infertility cases in Pakistan. Issues such as low sperm count, poor sperm motility, and abnormal sperm shape can make it challenging for couples to conceive.

5. Detrimental Lifestyle Habits

Suboptimal lifestyle decisions, encompassing practices such as smoking, excessive intake of alcohol, and illicit drug use, can markedly influence fertility. Particularly in Pakistan, where the prevalence of smoking among men is high, it can precipitate a decline in both the quality and quantity of sperm, thereby impinging on fertility.

How to Address this Issue?

Addressing the issue of infertility in Pakistan and offering assistance to couples facing difficulties in conceiving is of paramount importance. Here are some potential measures that can be implemented:

1. Dissemination of Knowledge and Consciousness: Enhancing consciousness regarding the causes and potential treatment alternatives for infertility can empower couples to take suitable steps to tackle the issue. This can be accomplished through educational campaigns, workshops, and outreach via media.

2. Provision of Quality Healthcare: Enhancing access to high-quality healthcare services, inclusive of fertility clinics and specialists in reproductive health, can ensure that couples are provided with the requisite medical aid to combat infertility.

3. Advocacy for Early Marriage and Childbearing: Emphasizing the significance of early marriage and childbearing can aid in reducing the incidence of infertility related to age. This can be facilitated through community programs, guidance from religious leaders, and awareness campaigns.

4. Prevention and Management of PCOS: Enlightening women about PCOS, its symptoms, and the treatments available can contribute to effective management of the condition. Regular health check-ups and early intervention can avert complications and enhance fertility outcomes.

5. Male Reproductive Health: Motivating men to prioritize their reproductive health through regular health check-ups and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle can have a substantial impact on fertility rates in Pakistan.

Infertility is a multifaceted issue impacting numerous couples in Pakistan. By comprehending the causes and implementing suitable measures, we can strive to address this problem and extend support to those grappling with conception difficulties. Prioritizing education, ensuring access to healthcare, and promoting early interventions are crucial steps towards enhancing fertility outcomes in Pakistan.

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