Worrying is a part of human nature and it cannot be separated from human existence. People worry all the time, even when they are asleep their subconscious keeps the worrying window open. A vast literature enumerates the natural proclivity of worrisome conduct of human mind and its positive and negative effects.
It is generally conceded that a certain amount of worrying provides impetus to human endeavour and that without it people lose their competitive urge.
In this context, worrying is considered an essential attribute as it adds flavour to otherwise humdrum human life. Some psychoanalysts justify worrying as the only factor separating human existence from other forms of life and they treat it as the offshoot of human progress.
But the problem is that worrying also distorts human mental make-up and eventually harms capabilities of human mind. Worrying is equated with a natural habit humans acquire and its excessive presence de-stabilises mental harmony.
Psychoanalysts advise controlling worrisome thoughts so that they do not over burden human life because it invariably generates such hormones in human body that prove dangerous to its well being.
It is generally believed that worrying otherwise stops human brain from focusing on more important things other than thinking about the future that cannot certainly be predicted or controlled.
The unpredictability of future intensifies worrying and follows into the well recognised features of psychological imbalance known as depression.
Since worrying is a natural phenomenon and like other mental impulses it is naturally driven therefore some rectifying methods are designed to control it from mushrooming into uncontrollable levels. It is possible to reduce excessive worrying termed as perpetual anxiety through using medication but it is advisable to follow techniques that are easy to implement.
The surest way of getting out of the grip of worry is to write down what is bugging your mind.
Putting your worries on a piece of paper gives you mental relief because that is how you have shared your anxiety with paper, a cognitively harmless feature. Transferring worries to paper helps to focus on their solution because they now have assumed clear shape delineated from a jumble of worries attacking simultaneously.
Writing down invariably provides solution to the worry.
Psychoanalysts consider putting worries on to paper as part of the reduction mechanism and comment problem elaborations are rated for concreteness and show an inverse relationship between degree of worry and concreteness. The more one is worried about a given topic, the less concrete becomes the content of their elaboration. The results challenge the view that worry may promote better problem analyses. Instead, they conform to the view that worry is a cognitive avoidance response.
Another method of reducing anxiety is meditation that relaxes brain and keeps it worry free.
There is a very powerful direct link between meditation and reduction of cognitive anxiety. Even though you may think you have no time to meditate but to close eyes for 30 seconds is a great way to start. Meditation supports your brain by staying away from the sources of stress to appreciable extent. If few moments are spent to relax and avoid being concerned about everything they prove radically helpful in avoiding excessive worrying. Meditation may not instantly prove warding off worrying thoughts but with consistent practice they can be stopped from intruding in normal mental activity.
Exercise is often projected as a potent antidote to quell excessive worrying.
Worrying is a natural response of the brain to protect the body in case of danger. If you are in a life-threatening situation your brain releases adrenaline that gives the same feeling you feel while worrying. It is now a well-acknowledged fact that exercising is an excellent way to reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety such as jitteriness.
If the body does not feel the physical symptoms of stress the mind would learn that there are no reasons to worry since the body is not in a state of increased arousal. Exercising also reduces the increased heart rate and breathing that occurs while you are worried.
Moreover through exercising you can also reduce your blood pressure which can also increase due to stress. The best way to figure out what is worrying your mind comes to fore when you take a ten-minute walk. Exercise definitely diverts the emphasis one places on worrying as it concentrates the mind towards intense physical action.
Worrying is not something that could not be lessened as human nature is far powerful a phenomenon to be consistently dogged by pressure on human mind. Human system is perfectly capable of producing hormones that reduce anxiety provided conscious efforts are made to fight worrying in the first place.
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