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Covid-19 threat: CAA begins screening at Islamabad airport

covid-19 Islamabad airport screening

ISLAMABAD: Amid the threat of Covid-19 spread, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has begun screening passengers at the Islamabad International airport, ARY News reported on Saturday.

According to the airport manager, all the inbound passengers are being tested at the entry points for temperature, while Covid-19 tests are also being carried out on passengers with the symptoms of the virus.

It may be noted that after a potential number of Covid cases in China, the Pakistani authorities decided to resume screening the inbound passengers at the airport to ensure Covid-19 is not spread.

Earlier, Sindh made Covid-19 tests for visitors from China mandatory following an explosion in cases in China, compulsory, the provincial health ministry said on Thursday.

Read more: Pakistan decides to intensify Covid screening at airports

According to the notification issued by the Sindh health department, in view of prevailing global and regional disease trends, Sindh has decided to screen all passengers coming from China to Karachi airport.

The passengers testing positive for Covid-19 will be quarantined, while passengers with the tested result of “false” in antigen, will undergo PCR tests, the notification read.

Furthermore, the Sindh health department has advised masses to wear masses in public places and avoid holding bigger public gatherings.

from Health News - Latest breaking Health News - ARY NEWS https://ift.tt/2J85NjV

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