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US national reaches Sindh’s GIMS for liver transplantation

gims, sindh, liver transplant, us national

KARACHI: A United States (US) national flew to Sindh to get her liver treatment at Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences (GIMS), ARY News reported on Monday.

As per details, US National Julie Neman registered herself online for a liver transplant procedure, as such treatment is very much costly and time-consuming in the United States and across the world.

After confirmation of the online registration, Julie reached Sindh’s GIMS and got successfully operated on for liver transplantation.

Talking to ARY News’ program Bakhabar Savera, the US national said the treatment of liver transplantation is very much expensive in her country and one has to wait for a long time but here in Sindh’s Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences, she was treated in no time at the affordable charges.

Read more: Sindh govt green-lights free liver transplants at Dow varsity

Julie lauded the services being provided at the GIMS and regarded as one of the best hospitals in the world and a proud of Pakistan.

The US national also lauded the professionalism of the doctors and staff working at the GIMs.

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