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COVID restrictions on businesses, wedding events eased in Punjab

Punjab covid restrictions

LAHORE: Punjab government has eased COVID restrictions in the province with changes to rules related to businesses, wedding ceremonies, offices, public transport and schools, ARY NEWS reported.

According to details shared by the Punjab health department, the businesses will remain open while adopting COVID SOPs and restaurants will be allowed to entertain vaccinated people for indoor and outdoor dining.

As many as 500 guests could attend an indoor wedding ceremony while there would be no restriction on the number of guests for an outdoor wedding ceremony.

The notification shared that vaccinated people will be allowed to visit shrines while gyms and other sports-related activities will continue in a routine manner.

“The offices will remain open with 100 percent attendance of vaccinated employees,” it read and added that public transport will be allowed to operate with 80 percent capacity while trains could operate with 100 percent capacity.

However, a ban will remain in place regarding the serving of food in public transport. The educational institutes are also allowed to operate with mandatory vaccination of children aged 12 after new ease in COVID restrictions.

COVID-19 tally

Covid-19 has claimed 13 more lives in Pakistan during the last 24 hours, lifting the death toll to 30,053, the data released by the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed on Tuesday.

As per details, Pakistan reported under 1,000 Covid-19 cases in a single day. 961 fresh cases of the pandemic were reported during the same period when 38,139 tests were conducted.

The positivity rate remained 2.51 per cent as compared to yesterday’s 3.29pc. The number of Covid-19 patients in critical care at various hospitals across the country has dropped to 1,261.

from Health News - Latest breaking Health News - ARY NEWS https://ift.tt/NH8laDe

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