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Covid-19 infects 2,870 more Pakistanis in past 24 hours

covid-19 pakistan cases

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan reported as many as 2,870 fresh Covid-19 cases and 40 deaths in the previous 24 hours, the data shared by the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed.

It said 40 more patients succumbed to the viral disease, pushing the death toll to 29,917.

A total of 51,677 samples were tested, out of which 2,870 turned out to be positive, showing an infection rate of 5.55 per cent.

The number of Covid-19 patients in critical care at various hospitals across the country stands at 1,495.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Pakistan has conducted overall 25,948,435 tests to diagnose the coronavirus including 51,677 tests during the past 24 hours.

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1,393,209  people have got their health back including 4,692 in a single day in Pakistan.

Sindh remains top on the list with 561,683 Covid-19 so far since the outbreak of the pandemic in February 2020. Punjab follows with 497,307 cases, while KP has reported 213,021 coronavirus cases to date.

Islamabad has registered 133,529 Covid-19 cases, while Balochistan stands with 35,163 overall cases.

42,316 cases have been reported in Azad Jammu and Kashmir so far, while 11,274 cases have been registered in Gilgit-Baltistan.

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