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Balochistan reports 23 fresh cases of Covid-19: health department

Balochistan Covid-19, fresh cases, health department

QUETTA: Balochistan health authorities on Sunday announced 23 fresh cases of Covid-19 in the province in last 24 hours, ARY News reported.

“Coronavirus test positivity ratio in the province remained 6.34 percent,” provincial health department said in its report.

“In seven districts of Balochistan including Quetta 363 covid diagnostic tests held yesterday and 23 positive cases detected,” health department stated.

Covid-19 has claimed 33 more lives in Pakistan during the last 24 hours, pushing the death toll to 30,009, the data shared by the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed Sunday.

As per details, 1,644 fresh cases of Covid-19 were reported during the same period when 49,866 tests were conducted.

The positivity rate remained 3.29pc during the past 24 hours. The number of Covid-19 patients in critical care at various hospitals across the country stands at 1,386.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Pakistan has conducted overall 26,094,825 tests to diagnose the coronavirus including 49,866 tests during the past 24 hours.

Total 1,402,653 people have recovered from the pandemic in Pakistan, including 3,653 in a single day.

from Health News - Latest breaking Health News - ARY NEWS https://ift.tt/TSRuLzI

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