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Pakistan sees 7,978 fresh COVID-19 cases

pakistan covid-19 cases drop

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan reported as many as 7,978 cases of COVID-19 in a single day on Sunday, the second-highest daily caseload since the outbreak of the pandemic in Feb 2020.

According to the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC), a total of 64,016 samples were tested, out of which 7,978 turned out to be positive, showing the infection rate of 12.46 per cent as compared to yesterday’s 11.31 per cent.

The nationwide tally of confirmed infections rose to 1,417,991 with addition of 7,978 new cases.

29 more patients succumbed to the viral disease in the past 24 hours, taking the death toll to 29,248. The NCOC said the number of patients in critical care in various hospitals across the country has risen to 1,455.

Read more: Curbs on schools to stay in place till mid-Feb: NCOC

On Jan 19, the NCOC had announced a new set of restrictions to contain rising Covid-19 cases. It said indoor and outdoor dining, as well as wedding functions will be allowed only for vaccinated people.

There will be a complete ban on indoor dining and weddings in cities with over 10% Covid positivity ratio with effect from Jan 24, the NCOC said. However, it added, outdoor dining and weddings with maximum limit of 300 fully vaccinated guests will be allowed.

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