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No COVID vaccination at Karachi’s Expo Centre for fifth straight day

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KARACHI: COVID vaccination in Karachi has hit snags amid the government’s efforts to expedite the process in wake of Omicron variant after health workers at Expo Centre, the biggest vaccination centre in the province, refused to work owing to unpaid salaries for months, ARY NEWS reported.

The provincial health department has refused to pay salaries to the frontline workers at three vaccination centres in the city including at Expo Centre, Dow University Ojha campus and Khaliq Dina hall.

The provincial director of health and the health workers have held multiple rounds of talks over the matter, however, no headways have been made as a boycott of vaccination process at Expo Centre continued for the fifth straight day on Friday.

The paramedics have refused to begin the process unless their salaries for the past months are released by the Sindh Accountant General office.

Previously it has been reported that students in Karachi are facing difficulties in receiving mandatory first jab of the COVID vaccine after the immunization process at one of the biggest centres at Expo Centre remained suspended owing to protest from paramedics over their unpaid dues.

The administrations of private schools in Sindh have been directed to ensure mandatory Covid vaccination of all students aged between 12 and 18.

A circular in this regard is being issued by Sindh School Education Department’s Directorate of Private Institutions to the school administrations.

It read that Covid vaccination of students aged between 12 and 18 and staff (teaching or non-teaching) is obligatory following the decision of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC).

from Health News - Latest breaking Health News - ARY NEWS https://ift.tt/3rQM12w

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