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92.74 mn children inoculated with measles and rubella vaccine

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has successfully inoculated 92.74 million children with measles and rubella vaccine and 31.64 million kids with polio vaccine in what is termed as the biggest vaccination campaign spanning over 12 days, ARY NEWS reported.

The details were shared by Special Assistant on Health Dr. Faisal Sultan from his Twitter handle as he lauded the health officials nationwide for making the historic vaccination possible.

“This would not have been possible without our health teams and many others!” Dr Faisal Sultan said.

The National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) issued directives for ramping up Covid-19 vaccination after the ongoing immunisation drive against measles and rubella.

Planning and Development Minister Asad Umar, who heads the NCOC, chaired a meeting in Islamabad.

The country’s top platform overseeing Covid response reviewed the pandemic situation and vaccination drive and directed all the relevant authorities to scale up vaccination once the ongoing campaign to inoculate children against measles and rubella is over.

The platform pondered the national vaccine strategy and instructed the provinces to get ready for large-scale Covid vaccination.

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from Health – ARY NEWS https://ift.tt/3p0mC50

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