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No Covid vaccination means no railways travel for you!

KARACHI: The railways department has announced Thursday it will not allow commute to unvaccinated people and by Sep 15 one has to be at least partially vaccinated to board the trains, ARY News reported.

No train tickets to people who have not gotten at least one shot of the vaccination before Sep 15, the department spokesperson said.

The railways said the partial vaccination concession in Covid vaccination condition to stay only until October 15, after which only the fully vaccinated ones can enter the trains.

If someone is found commuting in the trains without getting his vaccine after the deadline, he will be duly dealt with according to the law.


It is key to note that COVID-19 has claimed 89 more lives in Pakistan during the last 24 hours, pushing the nationwide tally of fatalities to 25,978.

According to the latest figures issued by the National Command and Operation Center (NCOC), 4,103 persons tested positive for COVID-19, lifting the overall number of infections in the country to 1,167,791.

Pakistan has conducted 61,651 tests in the past 24 hours out of which 4,103 persons tested positive for the disease. The COVID Positivity ratio was recorded at 6.65% during the past 24 hours as compared to yesterday’s 6.63 per cent.

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