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40pc eligible population in 20 Pakistan cities vaccinated: Asad Umar

ISLAMABAD: National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) head Asad Umar Wednesday announced that 40 percent eligible population in 20 cities of the country has been vaccinated against COVID-19 as total vaccination in the country stands at 35 percent of the eligible population, ARY NEWS reported. 

Sharing the details from his Twitter handle, the federal minister for planning and development Asad Umar said that they had set a minimum target of 40 percent of 18 plus population being partially vaccinated by the end of August for 24 major cities.

“Out of these 20 met the target. Only cities to miss the target were Hyderabad, Mardan, Nowshera, and Quetta,” he said.

He further shared that 35 percent of the national eligible population has received at least one dose and added that Islamabad is at 69 percent, Azad Jammu and Kashmir at 51 percent, Gilgit Baltistan at 39 percent, Punjab at 37 percent, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa at 35 percent, Sindh 32 percent and Balochistan at 12 percent.

The NCOC head said that single-day vaccination crossed one and a half million for the first time. “Yesterday 1.59 million vaccinations were carried out,” he said.

Yesterday, NCOC announced another record-breaking vaccination day in the country after over 1.4 million people received COVID jabs in the last 24 hours.

According to details shared by the NCOC through its official Twitter handle, COVID vaccine administered across Pakistan on 30 August stands at 1,405,352 in a single day.

It shared that the number of COVID jabs administered in the country now stands beyond 55 million.

The post 40pc eligible population in 20 Pakistan cities vaccinated: Asad Umar appeared first on ARY NEWS.

from Health – ARY NEWS https://ift.tt/3kHwJJR

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